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Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.

Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.



SKU 748927024227
Save 7% Save 7%
Original price $149.95
Original price $89.95 - Original price $149.95
Original price $149.95
Current price $139.95
$79.95 - $139.95
Current price $139.95
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in stock, ready to be shipped
Out of stock
Out of stock
尺寸: 1.82公斤
顏色: 巧克力



有時慢一點更好-特別是當 涉及到蛋白質的消化率。雖然在運動前或運動後需要快速吸收蛋白質,但在一天的其餘時間中延遲釋放可能更有益。最佳營養-開啟酪蛋白在胃的酸性環境中對pH敏感並呈凝膠狀。結果,將酪蛋白分解成其氨基酸亞成分所需的時間是乳清和其他蛋白質的兩倍以上。酪蛋白是牛奶中含量最高的蛋白質。它被認為是高質量的蛋白質,因為它很容易被吸收,並且提供了人體無法合成的足夠數量的氨基酸。

另一個好處是增加飽腹感 (飽腹或滿意的感覺。酪蛋白在胃壁上施加輕微壓力。實際上,這種壓力會通知大腦停止進食,因為胃已經飽了。酪蛋白是最緩慢消化和吸收的蛋白質類型。這有助於產生“定時釋放”效果,在長時間內為肌肉提供穩定的氨基酸流。最終結果是大大增強了抗分解代謝環境,對生長和恢復更加友好。.

健美運動員和運動員想要建立 精益肌肉,防止肌肉衰竭並減少恢復時間,對改善睡眠質量感興趣的人可以從酪蛋白中受益。


也許是酪蛋白上最有趣的內核 來自科學界的一項研究是Boirie研究,該研究發現酪蛋白將蛋白質合成的數量增加了31倍,達到了乳清68的水平……但還使全身蛋白質降解分解代謝降低了34倍。更重要的是,研究人員發現酪蛋白有助於攝入後平均7小時氮平衡為正。estion.

此後,Biorie研究激發了進一步的研究 酪蛋白另一項研究研究了酪蛋白在12週體重訓練計劃中的使用可能對身體成分的影響。參與者分為兩組,每組保持均衡飲食,每天包括75克蛋白質。區別在於所使用的蛋白質來源:第一組依靠乳清飲料來達到其日常蛋白質需求,而第二組則使用了分離出的乳清蛋白80酪蛋白和20乳清。在研究結束時,牛奶蛋白分離物組的脂肪減少了15.4磅。與9.2磅相比,增加了9磅的瘦體重。與4.4磅的重量相比,並獲得了比乳清組更高的上下體強度。y group.





Some powdered products, including (but not limited to) pre-workouts, fat burners and pump formulas are prone to clumping over a long period of time due to the nature of the ingredients. 

Although Supplements Central ensures all descriptive, nutritional and visual information is up to date, suppliers may change product formulations and ingredients without warning, and may not advise of us these changes.

Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged. 

Sports Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.

Warning & Safety Information

Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking sports, vitamins or mineral supplements, especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. If symptoms persist, please seek advice from your relevant health care professional.

Products should not be considered a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet and appropriate training or exercise program.

Products containing caffeine are not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.

Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow the correct dose and storage instructions.