CREA-8 是一種純肌酸一水合物,是三種不同氨基酸的組合:甘氨酸、精氨酸和蛋氨酸。綜合研究表明,肌酸一水合物可增加無脂肪質量、無氧力量和力量。
每天服用 EHPlabs 的 CREA-8 可確保您的肌肉充滿一水肌酸,以促進細胞豐盈、肌肉水合作用和增加耐力。
- 建立瘦肌肉質量
- 提高力量和力量
- 改進和最大化性能
- 加快恢復時間
- 提高心理表現
服用 5 克 CREA-8 和 8 盎司(240 毫升)水或與 OxyWhey Lean Protein 鍛煉後蛋白質混合。
在加載階段(1 週),使用 8 盎司(240 毫升)水在鍛煉前後消耗 10 克 CREA-8。
一水肌酸(100 份) |
數量/份 |
% DV |
卡路里 |
0 |
總脂肪 |
0 |
0% |
膽固醇 |
0 |
0% |
總碳水化合物 |
0 |
0% |
蛋白質 | 0 | 0% |
一水肌酸 | 5克 |
* 每日百分比值基於 2,000 卡路里的飲食。
Some powdered products, including (but not limited to) pre-workouts, fat burners and pump formulas are prone to clumping over a long period of time due to the nature of the ingredients.
Although Supplements Central ensures all descriptive, nutritional and visual information is up to date, suppliers may change product formulations and ingredients without warning, and may not advise of us these changes.
Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged.
Sports Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.
Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.
Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking sports, vitamins or mineral supplements, especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. If symptoms persist, please seek advice from your relevant health care professional.
Products should not be considered a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet and appropriate training or exercise program.
Products containing caffeine are not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.
Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow the correct dose and storage instructions.