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Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.

Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.



SKU 9326664000417
Sold out
Original price $44.95
Original price $44.95 - Original price $44.95
Original price $44.95
Current price $37.95
$37.95 - $37.95
Current price $37.95
Out of stock
標題: 默認標題





  1. 我們在此配方中結合了4種不同形式的鎂。我們已將氧化鎂從我們的配方中排除,因為它吸收不良並且可能具有通便作用。
  2. 它們以小而圓,易吞嚥的藥片形式存在-與那些有窒息危險的巨大馬藥片不同。
  3. 它不含鈣。鎂有助於肌肉放鬆,而鈣則具有相反的收縮作用。當您嘗試放鬆時,這不是您想要的!x!
  4. 不含任何人造色素或甜味劑,乳製品,酵母,麵筋或糖。


  • 減輕壓力: 鎂有助於放鬆和鎮定神經系統。壓力耗盡了體內鎂的儲存,通過壓力和鎂消耗的惡性循環,使我們更容易受到壓力的影響。
  • 頭痛管理 幾項研究報告說,補充鎂可以幫助緩解頭痛。
  • 減少肌肉痙攣: 電解質失衡通常與肌肉痙攣或痙攣有關。在所有電解質中,鎂是最普遍缺乏的,與肌肉痙攣,痙攣和緊繃有關。補充鎂後,許多人會抽筋。
  • 改善睡眠: 由於鎂有助於平息神經系統,所以它是睡前服用的重要補品,有助於減輕壓力並引起放鬆。壓力是造成晚上睡眠不足的最常見原因之一,因此幫助減輕壓力可能有益於睡眠充足。


  • 新鮮水果和蔬菜攝入量低
  • 年齡較大
  • 經常運動
  • 肌肉抽筋和痙攣
  • 失眠
  • 高壓力



  • 成人: 每天2-4片或在保健醫生的指導下使用。



  • 過量服用可能會導致瀉藥。
  • 如果症狀持續,患者應諮詢其保健醫生。
  • 服用雙膦酸酯類藥物(例如Fosamax和Actonel等)至少要間隔2個小時。
  • 距四環素類抗生素2小時。
  • 如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的保健醫生。務必閱讀標籤。僅按指示使用。



乳清鎂二水合物 (當量元素鎂12.8毫克  200毫克
葡萄糖酸鎂二水合物(當量元素鎂5毫克  92.76毫克
鎂氨基酸螯合物(當量到元素鎂55mg) 275毫克
磷酸鎂 (當量元素鎂23.76毫克) 115毫克
每片總元素鎂 97毫克

Some powdered products, including (but not limited to) pre-workouts, fat burners and pump formulas are prone to clumping over a long period of time due to the nature of the ingredients. 

Although Supplements Central ensures all descriptive, nutritional and visual information is up to date, suppliers may change product formulations and ingredients without warning, and may not advise of us these changes.

Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged. 

Sports Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.

Warning & Safety Information

Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking sports, vitamins or mineral supplements, especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. If symptoms persist, please seek advice from your relevant health care professional.

Products should not be considered a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet and appropriate training or exercise program.

Products containing caffeine are not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.

Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow the correct dose and storage instructions.