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Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.

Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.



SKU 680248080516
Sold out
Original price $32.95
Original price $32.95 - Original price $49.95
Original price $32.95
Current price $23.95
$23.95 - $39.95
Current price $23.95
Out of stock
Out of stock
尺寸: 30個標籤


  • 在工作壓力大,考試時間長或戒菸等壓力大時有益。
  • 包含OciBest,經臨床測試的標準化聖羅勒提取物,有時也稱為聖羅勒或塔爾西(Tulsi),已證明對緩解壓力症狀(包括疲勞,睡眠障礙和健忘)具有顯著益處。ss.
  • 還含有傳統上用於改善壓力適應,精力和精神集中並減輕壓力和憂慮症狀的其他草藥,包括輕度焦慮,緊張,緊張,易怒,躁動,疲勞,睡眠障礙,健忘和注意力不集中。
  • 如果神經質,輕度焦慮或壓力會干擾您的睡眠,建議您將Fusion Sleep配方與Stress&焦慮。.
  • 當壓力症狀伴有消化不良時,請考慮同時使用Fusion Digest-10和Fusion Stress&焦慮。.


Ocimum tenuiflorum OciBest全株ant 3克3000mgg)
當量羥考維糖苷糖苷-1l) 330微克
Withania somnifera印度人參/ Ashwagandha根ot 1.25克1250毫克g)
厚朴木蘭莖皮rk 1克1000毫克g)
含有厚朴酚和厚朴酚 --
Wolfiporia cocos ia蘑菇om 500毫克
西伯利亞遠志根ot 400毫克
柑橘皮柑橘皮水果皮el 350毫克




  • 每天1-2次,每次1-2片。
  • 6-12歲兒童:每天一次或兩次服用½-1片。
  • 6歲以下的兒童:按照專業建議服用。
  • 可以按照專業建議服用額外的劑量。
  • 懷孕期間,服用草藥和營養補品之前,請務必諮詢有資格的保健醫生。
  • 務必閱讀標籤。僅按指示使用。如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的保健醫生。

Some powdered products, including (but not limited to) pre-workouts, fat burners and pump formulas are prone to clumping over a long period of time due to the nature of the ingredients. 

Although Supplements Central ensures all descriptive, nutritional and visual information is up to date, suppliers may change product formulations and ingredients without warning, and may not advise of us these changes.

Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged. 

Sports Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.

Warning & Safety Information

Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking sports, vitamins or mineral supplements, especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. If symptoms persist, please seek advice from your relevant health care professional.

Products should not be considered a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet and appropriate training or exercise program.

Products containing caffeine are not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.

Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow the correct dose and storage instructions.