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Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.

Our February Deals are NOW LIVE! Mix n Match offers available.



SKU 9326664000752
Sold out
Original price $39.95
Original price $39.95 - Original price $39.95
Original price $39.95
Current price $34.95
$34.95 - $34.95
Current price $34.95
Out of stock
包裝尺寸: 200克
味道: 柑橘類

Cabot Health鎂超強粉鎂超強粉是一種超強配方,其中包含4種鎂配合物,可吸收和利用更多。鎂在維持和促進有效的肌肉功能和神經傳遞方面起著至關重要的作用。鎂有助於減輕神經緊張性焦慮壓力和失眠。您知道天門冬氨酸是一種礦物質螯合劑,意味著它可以幫助鎂進入人體細胞。天門冬氨酸可能有助於減輕疲勞和增加耐力。天冬氨酸和天冬氨酸是蛋白質的類型-它們與人造甜味劑阿斯巴甜不同。 Cabot Health產品均不含人造甜味劑阿斯巴甜。成分每公製茶匙5克劑量包含:牛磺酸-1000毫克氨基酸螯合物,提供元素鎂355毫克-1775毫克天冬氨酸鎂,提供元素鎂12.7毫克-178毫克抗壞血酸鎂,提供元素鎂7.6毫克-122毫克磷酸鎂,提供元素鎂24.8 mg-120 mg元素鎂總含量-400mg鋅作為氨基酸螯合物-5 mg硒作為硒代蛋氨酸-25 mcg不包含麩質小麥乳製品,酵母糖,人造色素,調味劑或防腐劑。用法成人向100-200 mL的水或果汁中添加1克5克劑量一級茶匙。粉末可能沉澱;快攪拌並喝。粉中還含有蘋果酸,金合歡,甜葉菊,天然檸檬和酸橙味。注意事項和禁忌症該產品含有高劑量有毒的硒。成人每日膳食補充劑中硒的每日劑量不應超過150mcg。務必閱讀標籤並僅按指示使用。如果症狀持續,請諮詢您的醫療保健專業人員。are professional.




Some powdered products, including (but not limited to) pre-workouts, fat burners and pump formulas are prone to clumping over a long period of time due to the nature of the ingredients. 

Although Supplements Central ensures all descriptive, nutritional and visual information is up to date, suppliers may change product formulations and ingredients without warning, and may not advise of us these changes.

Do not exceed recommended daily dosage. Do not consume products if seals are broken or damaged. 

Sports Supplements, vitamins and minerals should never replace a balanced and varied diet.

Warning & Safety Information

Always read the label. Follow directions of use. Please read the label to decide whether this product is right for you.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking sports, vitamins or mineral supplements, especially when pregnant or breastfeeding. If symptoms persist, please seek advice from your relevant health care professional.

Products should not be considered a sole source of nutrition and should be consumed in conjunction with a nutritious diet and appropriate training or exercise program.

Products containing caffeine are not recommended for children, pregnant or lactating women, or individuals sensitive to caffeine.

Keep all supplements and vitamins out of reach of children. Always follow the correct dose and storage instructions.