The original sleep amino, L-TRYPTOPHAN offers many health and performance benefits to athletes and non-athletes alike.
As an effective sleep aid, L-TRYPTOPHAN may improve recovery for athletes by inducing sleep, increasing the time spent in deep sleep, by improving general sleep quality, and for its action as a mild growth hormone releaser.
As the precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, L-TRYPTOPHAN may be of value in treating serotonin-related issues, including SAD (seasonal effective disorder), and other anxiety or depressive states. Being effective in reducing appetite, it may also be helpful in dieting or weight control - without the side effects and toxicity of drugs designed to increase serotonin levels.
L-TRYPTOPHAN is most often used by athletes as a sleep aid, taken 30-60 minutes before retiring.
L-TRYPTOPHAN may also be suitable for use during the day, as a mild anti-anxiety aid, and (when taken before meals) as an appetite suppressing agent.